Can social survive without me?

He’s back……..

Ok, some might have noticed I wasn’t around last week and the obviously huge void that must have occurred; but the other 9 gazillion people on social probably didn’t pick up on my absence, huh? This was my first extended period away since really becoming active and guess what; I survived. And it wasn’t like quitting coffee or anything because there were no withdrawal symptoms either.

I did miss my friends however and had just enough internet access to see what was going on; so my experiment of seeing if social can survive without me looks like it did quite well in spite of my absence.

Guess what I did?

I knew it was going to be a big week when I was invited to a TweetUp at the PRSA International Conference in Orlando. I was able to meet several of my online buddies in real life for the first time which was quite the treat for me.

Wednesday though Saturday, I participated in a golf tournament and actually survived 108 holes of golf. Because the golf lasted all day each day and drinks and dinner afterwards, I was lucky to make it home just to shower and sleep; much less leave time for social.

Are you a golf pro?

Heavens no; but this tournament has been put on for 10+ years in October by a friend of mine.

There are 16 of us and we split up 8 on 8 and play a Ryder Cup style format which means we change partners and change the ‘game’ each match. The cool thing about this is we have people coming in from Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin in addition to the Florida crew. Because of the format, we designate one team Team USA and the other Team Euro.

The only prize is the trophy at the end of the tournament and bragging rights for the year.

But the relationships are priceless

This was my 7th year playing and have made some great friends. I might only see some of these guys once a year but as soon as I do, we pick right back up where we left off.

Needless to say we have quite the stories to tell and I will save that for another post. However, my claim to fame and semi-legendary status is having the only hole-in-one during the entire time this tournament has gone on. There are much better golfers in this group than me, but guess who knocked one in? After a $450 bar bill afterwards, my wife informed me “DO NOT get another one”. I think I’m pretty safe………..

If you are familiar with the game of golf do you notice how similar to life it can be? You will experience frustration, euphoria, anger, challenges, obstacles, smooth sailing, pressure, concentration, laughter, disappointment, etc. And all of this is within one round.

Time to clean house however

Because I have been out, my Google Reader is jammed full of great posts. There is no way I can catch up on all of these and catch up on work as well. Therefore, I am making an executive decision of marking them all as ‘read’ and starting with a clean slate on Monday.

If you had something you feel I should read, please oh please ping back on my post or let me know. After a fun and relaxing week, I want to carry it forward and minimize my ‘to do’ list.

How about you?

When you took a social-free extended leave, what did it feel like when you came back? How long did it take to get back in the groove? Did you clean out your reader because you don’t like seeing all the unread posts? Did you loose any of your community?

Well, that is my plan and I’m going to stick with it.

I sure missed you guys, did you miss me?………:)

79 thoughts on “Can social survive without me?

  1. Well Bill, we were all kind of shivering from the absense but we did survive you missing one week 😉

    Great to have you back!
    I usually cheat when I get back and start on a clean slate, just click on mark all as read and then get going from 0 again.

    • Kind of scary, huh? Hey Daniel, thanks for stopping by; hope you have been well.

      I did sneak some in yesterday but cleaned most of it out. Other than getting a late start today it looks like it worked out ok.

  2. Hi Bill,
    So THAT’S where you were! Good for you for unplugging. Seems us social media newbies are attaining that balance very well as so many others have decided to go off the grid and take a break when away.
    When I returned from my vacation I think I gave myself a couple of days to catch up with my Reader. I doubt I have as many in mine as you do! At least, I know I don’t keep up with as many as you do and I don’t want to know how you do it! But I was also getting ready for my book launch so it was a busy time.
    I’ve been taking Sunday’s off since I discovered the value of unplugging periodically, and I think people are getting used to not seeing me around on Sundays, not even at my place. It’s part of my project for sanity! Do you find yourself more relaxed after a week off, but then again – 108 holes!?!?!

    • I have my share of down time; I am able to catch up at night when it would normally be TV time. I would rather do this than watch mindless TV.

      Since mine is a personal blog I don’t think it would matter much if I skipped a post or took some days off. However, once I get in a pattern I do like to stick with it to make it habit.

      You are no longer a social media newbie……….:)

      108 was a lot, but weather was great so I never go tired.

  3. Good question Bill and one I have been pondering while I was cutting the lawn (for the last time this year – Yippee!!)

    I was a bit nervous before taking a break when away on holiday earlier this year, would I have any followers left, would my blog be deserted with tumbleweed blowing? Strangely neither of these things happened and the social media world just seemed to chug along without me!

    I think it’s a case of people seeing us when we are around but not necessarily noticing that we weren’t about on any particular day – if you see what I mean.

    In your case I am so badly organised that I don’t really see everything that’s going on on a daily basis to notice that you weren’t tweeting but what had encroached on my consciousness was that I hadn’t seen any comments from you for a while. So really it was a change in a pattern that I had noticed rather than your absence.

    I think we all need to realise that we are only a small cog in the social media world and that the world will keep turning if we aren’t around for a a while and chill out accordingly.

    And if it’s a comfort I did miss you but only realised that I had after you told me that you hadn’t been there 🙂


    • I’m cutting mine every other week now. In Fla we never really quit; Jan/Feb we might only have to cut it once a month however.

      Sometimes I have to make sure to look at my lists on twitter to see what is going on, but I don’t always get to it so I know I’m missing some stuff but I guess you can’t see it all.

      I’m waiting for the tumbleweeds any day now………..:).

      In reality, if we got to where we are and had to start over, maybe we would be smarter second time around, huh?

  4. Bill, I had noticed you were gone and I connected it to the fact that you had met up with internet strangers. I warned you that if you meet up (or Tweet Up in your case), chances are fairly strong that you will meet up with a serial killer at some point. What are the odds of that? Well, what are the odds of a hole in one? Some people are too damn lucky.

    So I’m glad to know that you were just playing golf instead of sinking to the bottom of the Everglades. Just be sure not to invite any serial killers to your golf game. Then it could get ugly.

  5. Hey Bill,

    I thought it was a little quiet and absent of comedy last week! No wonder! lol.

    Love the life and golf analogy. It’s very true. I’m sure it did you good to have a week off. The only problem for me is that a few weeks out and you can easily lose momentum and get out the swing of things. This social stuff can literally take up all of your time if you let it. It’s finding a balance between being present and enjoying our lives offline – something you have certainly managed to do.

    Speak soon man

    • Hey Robert; I think one of my concerns will be you will just walk away from it. It’s almost like going to the gym. If you do it regularly sometimes it’s just a grind but you keep going. As soon as you start missing days, then weeks, it becomes too easy just to quit, huh?

      I am finding a much better balance however.

  6. I take the weekends off completely, with maybe an occasional update if I see something that needs answering. Often, I don’t go onto Twitter for days on end, and it feels good. There’s nothing more important to me than my family, and they’ll always come before any other needs, online or offline. 🙂

  7. Good to have you back, Bill. You’ve been missed. I had noticed your absence and promptly informed Klout that you’ve been slacking. But never you mind about the klout foolishness.

    Congrats on your hole-in-one!

    You’ll be back in swing just as soon as you make your rounds and leave 100 comments at all your favorite blogs. [grin]

    • Yes, Klout dinged me. I tried to appeal, but they would have nothing of it……..:).

      It was weird at first but my phone was acting up to so I was totally off for long stretches. It helped me stay in the moment with the golf.

      100 holes, 100 comments; I must work in hundreds, huh?

      Good to see you birthday boy.

  8. Hey Bill,

    Well, I knew where you were earlier in the week but not the rest. Knew you were off having fun, as you should. We missed you but knew it wouldn’t be an extended time away. Glad you had a good time, enjoyed meeting your online friends (is there a video coming?) and enjoyed your golf game.

    My parents were BIG golfers. Me? My Dad tried to teach me but I kept tearing up the grass. He kept making be replant it so I thought the pool was a much better place for me. Never did get into golf but my brother did. Oh, I definitely know all about the game. How can I not, my dad always watched the tournaments on TV and my Mom still does. I do appreciate the game of golf though.

    I haven’t had an extended period of time away yet. Nope, no vacations for me accept a weekend here and there that I’m away from the computer. Will be doing that again this weekend as a matter of fact. But like you, I think sometimes those breaks are nice and can’t be helped so I don’t intend to stress myself playing catch up. I’ll do what I can and just hope my blogging friends understand.

    Glad you had a good time and welcome home. Have a wonderful week Bill.


    • I do think some of the people push themselves so hard that when they finally take a break it’s hard for them to come back. You maintain a pace and you think if you cut back you will be losing ground……………

      Golf can be fun if you don’t take it too seriously, which I did at one time.

      Good to see you and thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave your thoughts.

  9. Nope. Did not miss your crazy ass. At all.

    Ha ! just kidding. Of course you were missed. the golf trip sounds incredible. Don’t know if i could make 108 holes. Thats a lot of golf. Congrats again, on your hole in one. What year was that ? And yes, golf and life are very similar. I have experienced a lot of those same things, on the golf course and life. Recently.

    Too much going on to take the time away now. Think i will disconnect for a week in December. And I am sure that the social world and me, will both survive.

    Thanks Bill. Really good post. Have a great week, brother.


    • The hole in one was ’07, my best year ever. In fact, I had two hole in ones that year.

      I know you are having some difficulties so hopefully so hope you get back on track soon.

      I figured if it was anyone it would be you who didn’t miss me at all………………:)

      Good to see you; thanks for coming by.

  10. I don’t play golf. It takes far too long and I think that I could get sucked into its embrace far too easily. I don’t use a reader either primarily because I hate having a list of 1,938,983 posts to read.

    • Yes, it can be addicting and trust me, a game you will never master………no matter how good you get.

      It was pretty easy to hit the mark all as read button…………..:)

  11. So what’s all this “doing social” business!, LOL. I love the way you have taken this format and made it your own Bill. It’s interesting to watch. I have taken 2 extended breaks from errrrrr. “social”. One was when my heart was broken and I moved to Bali. The second was when I needed to take some re-evaluation of my life, where I was going, what I was doing and the hows, the whys and the wherefores etc. Both times I lost some traffic, numbers blah blah blah, but both times also showed me the people whom have really connected with me, and whom I have really connected with. The way they have welcomed me back with a big smile and open arms has been heart warming.
    I’m all about doing as much “social” in the offline world as in the online world…but being away made it plain as day, that these connection I am making here….are dear to me. Glad you enjoyed golf, the tweet up and that your wife didn’t hit the roof over the bar bill…she sounds like a super cool lady. It’s good to spend sometime over at your place once again Bill…..pass me a beer…I’m thirsty!.xx

    • Yes, I think I had a beer or two………….and I’ll be happy to share.

      Sounds like you are ready to really get after it now. Hopefully, this time around you can minimize some of the early mistakes, huh?

      I hope things are going great for you and this new direction kicks some butt.

      I am so glad you are back.

  12. Bill, aloha. Welcome back. Of course, we missed you. However, from your earlier posts, I knew you were going to be meeting up with some folks though I did not know about the big golf tournament. CONGRATULATIONS on your hole-in-one. That’s fantastic and a bragging right that will long be with you.

    A couple of times when I was on a blog where I normally see your comment ahead of mine, I did note that. After a few such observations, I figured your event lasted long than I thought. Again, I did not know about your golf tournament.

    It is kind of a good news/bad news when you find the world can continue without you, isn’t it? On the one hand, it’s nice to know the world can keep spinning, tweets will keep tweeting, updates will keep updating while on the other hand, it’s nice to think our presence makes a difference. And, Bill, your presence does make a difference. #YouMatter.

    Great Executive Decision on wiping the sleight clean. Enjoy a fabulous week reconnecting with your online friends. Until later, aloha. Janet

    • Hey Janet, thanks for the nice words. Yes, life goes on sometimes even when are not quite ready for it too. Sometimes I put too much pressure on myself to stay plugged in all the time and in the big scheme of things, it probably doesn’t really matter that much. If I’m not trying to drive traffic per se, then I just need to show up here and there at times, huh?

      I did sneak a few replies in, but I kept them brief……………:)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Hey Bill,

    Well, I must say that I’ve taken a pretty big leave from SM all summer. As I’ve eluded to in the past, I’ve been cooking up my side hustle in my secret lab – but introduced it today on my site…along with a new redesign!

    My first big break away from SM was when I had my family trip to Disney World last may. Being that I had a poor internet connection, I couldn’t really do anything. But it was a nice break and showed me that the online world continues to turn, even without me being online. That kind of hurt my feelings a little – but I survived.

    Glad you had a good time last week. And glad to see you back on the scene!

    • I know you have been working on something and just plugged in enough not to be invisible like some people we know………:).

      I will definitely check out your new gig, can’t wait to see it.

      Really, can you believe they were able to survive without us? I wouldn’t have bet on it….

      Good to see you sir.

  14. Hi Bill! First off – I love the pic. So, so cute!! You in your younger days? ; )

    The whole absence thing is an interesting one. From my reader perspective, if someone is gone for a while, I assume they’re doing something otherwise important – like taking a vacation or dealing with big issues or projects at work. But from the blogger perspective, it’s hard to be gone and feel okay with it. I’m constantly plagued with guilt if I don’t get things properly prepped, updated, answered, etc. For some reason I have this feeling that others won’t be understanding if I/we’re gone, but I’m totally understanding of other people. Hm. Kinda backwards? Is it respectful of our readers to want to publish so regularly? Or is is that we feel they wouldn’t understand, which in a way is selling them short on their humanity? I’m not real sure, but if you figure it out, would you let me know please??

    I was gone for a full 3 weeks this summer and it took me ages to get back into the swing of it. I lost tons of Klout and just felt out of it for quite a while, not to mention that I had so many other things to do. So from a SM perspective, I was probably MIA for more like 6-8 weeks. At that point, I was thinking about different things and some of my habits changed.

    Can a break break you? I think it can sure put a speed bump in your way! It depends on how you choose to respond on your return.

    But, I most certainly do think you should take a break and go do fun things like meet up with your friends. Very cool! I’m glad to hear you had such a good time!

    • Because it is such a commitment it becomes habit. And like any habit if you get too far away from it, it might make it harder to jump back in with the same enthusiasm. On the other hand, the time off might give you renewed vigor; so who knows.

      All I know is I had fun while I was out and I am glad I wiped my reader clean……….:).

      As I mentioned above, we made it this far and if we had to start over maybe we’ll be smarter next time around, huh?

      So, so good to see you; I hope you have been well.

  15. Hey Bill!

    Of COURSE we noticed you were gone and missed you horribly! I knew what you were up to and we had some brief Twitter chats while you were away so I knew all was well.

    I’m glad you had a good time. It’s nice (and important) to take a break from everything sometimes and just do something you truly enjoy for no other purpose but the enjoyment.

    Glad you’re back:)

    • I did have fun but it’s good to be back too.

      I went back to your site to see if you put a good picture up for me on my comment. Brad Pitt or George Clooney will be ok with me…………just sayin’……………:)

      Good to see you today; thanks for stopping by.

      • Ha ha! Yes, apparently I’ve been having some commenting issues on my site. Commentluv also wasn’t working. I think I have that taken care of but I don’t know why you’re the only one that doesn’t get a picture!

  16. Hey, Bill.

    I’m glad you had fun during your absence. I’m always happy to learn that my online friends are taking the time out and enjoying themselves.

    And, although our lives went on without you, we sure did miss you. Hope you will regale us with more stories about your week-long adventure.

    By the way, Kaarina is guest posting in my home this week. Maybe you could give her some love… 🙂

    • Yes, I will be by and speaking of people taking time off; I do believe Kaarina is off the grid this week.

      I did have fun and lots of it and it got better as time went on.

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you are doing well.

  17. I missed you. Certainly! Glad to hear your trip was so much fun though. Trips and breaks are always needed. We’re human!

    Well, let’s see. I do exactly the same thing you do when I get home from being offline for a time. I mark everything as read. I’d rather not stress myself right from the start, of doing my best to not be stressed while away!

    So I mark as read, and just go with the flow. It works. Sometimes you might miss out on a few things, but the things that need your attention usually come back to your attention again anyways.

    Life is about balance. Right? That’s why I love seeing posts like this. We’ve got to remember the balance, however much we love social media.

    • Yes, balance is key. When I first got started in social I had no idea how I was going to keep pace but you eventually figure out things and what works for you. I think at the end of the day, it’s still ‘all good’ right?

      Good to see you Christian, hope you have been doing well. Thanks for stopping by…..

  18. Hi Bill, enjoyed your post very much and I think I will follow up on your action, NO, not the hole-in-one, the only time I played golf they had to repair the lawn.
    But I have been away in Tuscany with very limited online access and mails keep piling up, I will mark them as read and go on with life. Probably, nobody will notice anyway.
    I’d rather have klout than a klout score, we are here to have a life filled with family and friends. Here’s to unplugging (from time to time), Barbara!

    • Now Tuscany sounds like fun; that’s the get away I could easily do.

      When I first got started getting comments and my community was growing I had this feeling I needed to do more now that I had established myself. Not knowing what ‘more’ should be it caused me to stress a little.

      For now, I am comfortable just having a personal blog and not interested in my Klout score or number of visits. At some point this might be important, but for now I’ll just keep doing my thing. As long as the people who care about this let me still hang around then I’m ok with that.

      Thanks for stopping by, and the RT, so good to see you.

  19. Hi Bill!!
    How awesome that you were able to take time for yourself for awhile. And I love the story of the 10 year golf tournament. AND the story about your hole in one and the $450 bar tab that resulted in a new rule….no more holes in one 😉

    It IS so important to set your priorities so that you create enough time for the people in your life who are important. To be a slave to our smart phones, iPads, and laptops is a sure to an unhappy life.

    Welcome back…you were missed but you are better for having taken time for yourself.

    (sorry I got so serious here 😉

    • Yeah, it’s probably not a good idea to go out drinking with my online buddies because that comes w/ the drinking alone stigma and who knows what you might write while inebriated, huh? Therefore, I have to corral my IRL friends……….:).

      Ah yes, serious; every once in awhile I can do that, but not too often.

      Good to see you.

  20. I have an off color comment about the hole in one I will not post here in case your wife stalks your blog.

    My ears hurt. Do you know how many calls I got asking about your where abouts? You have no idea. And the ones from Canada were worse because they wanted to know your where aboots.

    I actually think while some of us might say ‘did you miss me’ my real concern would be ‘will you keep coming by if I went on vacation’ because just takes one person to go to another blog and poof they might come back.

    • She does stalk the blog and I’m sure it would put you in the same category as most of my in real life friends she’s ok me playing golf with but don’t try to spring anything social with them……….:). She thinks none of us has grown up and I just can’t figure out what would put that thought in her mind. Moi? Au contraire……….

      I like the aboot reference as I have my share of Canadian buds. I just want them to know I voted against building the wall keeping them out at the border……..

      I guess I could be like Griddy and just take the whole summer off and maybe I would be smarter getting started second time around, huh? Probably not…..

      Good to see you Howie.

  21. Sorry I’m late to this party. My day job has taken over for the past few days. Pesky clients you know. They want stuff done! 😉 There is also that pesky family of mine. My wife and kids want me around for some crazy reason. I thought they were sick of me.

    You were gone, but you still commented on my blog. So you just can’t get away, can you, really? 🙂 🙂 Glad you had fun. I’ve played golf two times in my life, but one day I wouldn’t mind trying it on a more consistent basis. Might have to get a few pointers from you then, Mr. Hole in One.

    Good to have you back, Sir!

    • It’s good to be back; social is now part of my routine and I like the interaction and the dynamics of it all. Is most of it frivolous? Absolutely, but that’s ok with me; at the end of the day I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on what is important and what is not.

      Golf can be addicting and it also can be very maddening. Sometimes the harder you try the worse you play. I try to keep it social and fun these days……..

      Ah yes, job and family……………don’t they know how important we are in social?

      Good to see you, hope your week has gone well.

  22. Bill,

    When I go on leave which is often from social media, I don’t even attempt to try to catch up. It is a wasted effort. I just pick up right from where everyone is at that time. Funny thing is I don’t think people really care if you follow everything they do. They are not that self centered. I am. But, I don’t think other people are. That picture is awesome with the kid golfers by the way. 🙂

    • Yeah, me too on the self-centered part; I keep meticulous tabs on who gets too casual in following everything I do…………..:).

      I thought it was a pretty cool pic because when the guys get together we always seem to act like little kids again anyway.

      I am trying to stay somewhat consistent for consistency’s sake, but because mine is a personal blog I don’t think it means much when I take some time off. I have just seen some take a little bit off at first before they just totally disappear.

      Good to see you and thanks for taking the time to stop by today. Hope you have been doing well my friend.

  23. I was just away for two weeks for my honeymoon. I didn’t take my phone with me and that was probably the first time in a long time I wasn’t socially connected in terms of media. and you know what? It was great! There is something to be said for unplugging!! I did have alot of emails to go through when I got back though…just spaced it out as best I could

    • I think if you are going to unplug, you might as well do it totally, huh?

      How long have you been doing social and if you have a blog what are you blogging about?

      Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment; much appreciated.

  24. Hi, Bill.

    My presence online has been sporadic at best, although I still try to post an article every week. And, during my absence, social did not only survive, it thrived and moved on. So, yes, social media does survive without our presence…but, the question there is, if we use social media to do business? Will we survive and not be forgotten without it.

    In my case, I think I am slowly feeling the effects of not being as visible online as I was before. I can see it in my Google ranking in search results, which slipped from 1st or second place to 4th or lower on other days. So, I’ve decided to make a comeback and go back to blog hopping and commenting everyday now. Maybe not as much as before, but something better than once or twice a week. 🙂

    I’m glad your site is the first I visited, Bill. Always glad to know about people enjoying their sport. I’m into football myself. 🙂

    • Up to taking a little time off I had been in a predictable pattern. But since I don’t use my blog for business, I don’t think it is totally necessary for me to have a pattern. I’m still just clunking around waiting for that ‘light bulb’ moment……..

      I know there are some who are using social 100% for business and others it is just a tool to keep their name out there or some variation thereof. If you are a one man show and social is putting food on your table, going ‘away’ could have consequences that are not good.

      Good to see you Wes and thanks for stopping by here first; yes, I am still around…..:)

  25. Of course I missed you. I thought that after meeting me IRL, you and your wife said, “Ooookay. Enough with that one.”
    Yay for golf and R&R, Bill – and it is good to have you back!

    • You know better than that………I’m just sorry it was so brief. I think my wife was curious to see what this ‘social’ was all about and was probably hoping she would ‘get it’ after being exposed to the ‘social’ crowd. I don’t think any questions was answered for her however…………

      So good to see you and hope your week has gone well. I had to take another day and a half off for a Chamber retreat so I really am starting to disappear……:)

  26. Hey Bill,

    Have you been gone? 🙂

    I have never played golf, but it looks like the perfect way to network and create strong relations. I’d love to try it in Orlando, not so much in Norway (the weather is way too cold and rainy here).

    I had this experience of social surviving without me during my 5 weeks in a tent (and while I was in Italy). The hardest part was opening up my google reader and my email after being away for such a long time.

    • Yes, golf is much more enjoyable in warm weather………..

      If you like challenges, golf can be addicting because it truly is a sport you never totally master. There was a point I really put some effort into it, but now I’m content just to show up and play these days.

      Yes, I figured there were no disruptions in social like a power outage while I was away. Thanks for coming by.

      Hope you have a great weekend.

  27. Well, I know I can’t survive without you. 🙂 Glad you had time for yourself and friends and your wife … that’s the “good stuff”.

    You can tell I check out by my absense and missing the party every now and then. Wish it was for reasons like yours; however, not the case most of the time.

    I can’t delete certain posts and keep them in until I can get to them. Now I’ll delete other things, but … I’m afraid of missing a gem of post! 😉 Like …

    Glad you had some time and you have your priorities.! YAY!!

    Much kindness,


    • Thanks for the kind words; I think we all know social will do just fine regardless but it is nice to know people in our community will notice our absence.

      I have slowly come to the realization that since my blog is not ‘business’ oriented I don’t have to be consumed with driving traffic or keeping a schedule. I just want to be careful not to get too lazy because I can do that well………….:).

      I probably have 20% in my reader that I rarely read and probably should just go ahead and clear them out. However, in the back of my mind I’m always thinking I will get to them at some time. Too many decisions for me…………..

      Thanks for stopping by and hope your weekend went well.

  28. I see a trend.
    Getting away from the keyboard for a while.
    After seven months online and blogging I broke away and rested from things.
    Starting to lean back into things.
    Enjoyed your post

    • See, I’m still having trouble getting back into it……….:). Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts BD, hope you have been well.

      I see quite a few people who are in and around my community starting to back away. It’s probably healthy not to be totally consumed with it and I think social will survive one way or another whether we are in it every day.

      Hopefully I can catch up with you if you are out and about again.

      Hope you week has been going well for you.

  29. When I went on vacation back in August for a 4 state road trip, I came back to tons of emails up the wazoo! I had allot of catching up to do and next time I will announce that I am on vacation for a brief moment, but it was no problem for me. Sometimes we all need a mental break to just getaway from the computer. I work during the day too in IT and that’s all I look at:MY COMPUTER! Calgon take me away! LOL!

    Golf player huh? I love golf and play as often as I can. Considering I only play against men, I am up for a round or too if your ever in California.

    • Women’s golf scholarships are the hardest to fill at some universities; it’s kind of an exclusive type sport anyway so it’s great you found a way to crack the code to jump right in the middle of it. Kind of like social, there was a time I was semi-obsessed with it but then it wasn’t as much fun. I backed away, started playing tennis again too and just have a good time when I hit the links now.

      Road trips can be fun, hopefully you had a great one.

      Thanks so much for stopping by, much appreciated.

  30. You know.. I marked the Reader as ‘all read,’ zapped emails, slowly got back in the swing of things but really, don’t think anyone noticed. Sure I ‘missed’ some news, good discussions, lively blog debates but then, I miss things everyday. Not sure but my recent offline vacation has me trying to be smarter about the time I do spend online, make the most of it without letting it take over. FWIW.

    • I too feel I have a better handle on my purpose for now and and thing it isn’t is trying to keep up w/ everybody because all this is is a personal blog. I just need to have fun and let it go where it wants to…..

      I got into the high cotton crowd early and thought that was the only way to play; luckily I survived……..:).

      Here’s to more vacations. Good to see you today.

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