Hey now brown cow…


Well, I was never big time enough to spend a lot of money on my blogging platform with the exception of my domain name (billdorman.me) and sadly to say I have let that go by the wayside as well. Therefore, I think the free stuff (billdorman.wordpress.com) will be me again when I was the Invisible Blogger because Brian Meeks wouldn’t give up Extremely Average.

Now, if I can just figure out how all this stuff works again.

What brings you back then?

Well, first of all the people; I actually had a nice little audience (or group of friends) who I enjoyed spending time with and sharing our stories. And secondly, I found out I liked the writing a lot.

You would think as an English speaking male, English might be something I could master, right? Well, I have primarily two things going against me; my direct descendants going all the way back to 1790 that I know of are southerners and of course we have our own dialect. And, it’s not that I was a bad student but it was hard to keep my attention in school (unless it was female…:) and once they started talking about verbs, nouns, adverbs, prepositions, etc I was done for; just too much paying attention for me.

And to make matters worse, they started mixing letters with numbers in math….

My saving grace; I like to read and I read a lot. So I suppose some of the properness has rubbed off on me, but I’m sure a grammar Nazi might make mincemeat of my work if it was ever scrutinized to that depth.

Any other reasons?

Internally, there was a certain sense of purpose I enjoyed and about the time I gave up writing was about the time I had a transition in my job being consolidated back into headquarters from one of our branch offices. Truthfully, that took the wind out of my sails a little bit and it has taken time for me to readjust to the new norm and being one of many instead of being the one.

Am I back?

Who knows, when I hit publish this might go in a deep dark hole never to emerge again. I remember the fear and elation when I published my first post back in the day and sadly to say the expectations are not the same, but the results might be.


What’s with the pic? My latest hobby, mountain biking of course. That photo is not me, but I have resembled that pose before. Yes, I know there are no mountains in Florida, but we have plenty of trails in close proximity to me and I partake 4-5 times a week. And yes, that sounds like more than a hobby, but I’m hooked; what can I say.

If, this finds the light of day and if any of my old crew see this, don’t get too excited. I feel if I set the bar low enough it will be very easy to exceed expectations.


7 thoughts on “Hey now brown cow…

    • Stranger things have happened, but once I started writing the post it just felt good. Once again, I have no real purpose than just having a platform to blabber about myself whether anyone else shows up or not.

      The scary thing is, I don’t know where to find anyone’s blog anymore unless I get an e-mail notification. I believe Buffer will do the trick but looks like I might have to start paying attention again.

      I didn’t say this in the post, but another reason I decided to jump back in was I bumped into a fraternity brother who is a professor at Univ of Cen Fla and he teaches social and business and he said he used my blog as an example of building an audience and he also said my writing really resonated with him. I thought that was kinda cool, and I really did like the interaction when my blog was at its peak.

      As of now, I have no mission or plan in mind other than to just write and post periodically. If I still like it 30-60-90 days from now, who knows, I might become more purposeful. Then again, if it becomes like work maybe not….:).

      Thanks for dropping by; always good to see you.

  1. Good to see you back in the Blogisphere again Bill. Oh yes it’s great to have a blog whatever the reason is. And you don’t have to blog daily or weekly, just when YOU want. If the writing is good we’ll keep on coming back. I was pleasantly surprised to see your post in my inbox!

    • And the flood gates have been opened…:). When I published I wasn’t sure if it would show up in anybody’s feed; I probably need to check who is in there.

      It got about as much attention as I expected. In my early days I know I visited a lot of blogs but I haven’t even set up Buffer or anything else to notify me when someone’s blog is published. I probably need to clean that up as well.

      All I know is the writing felt good and comfortable. I might stick with it for awhile as long as I’m enjoying it.

      Thanks for the shout out and visit, hope all is well with you.

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